Tuesday, June 23, 2009

reciting the pledge

Reciting the pledge is definitely more of a habit that we form as a means to obey what we think is expected of us than it is a real promise to our country and all of the ideas that our country was built on. I think that it absolutely begins with the experiences that most people have in public schools. In nearly every school in America, it is customary to recite the pledge of allegiance every morning before beginning the class.Maybe if public schools did not force the daily recital of the pledge of allegiance onto us, we would not submit to the expectations to say the pledge like zombies. What I mean by that is that maybe it could a bit more like the separation of church and state. Children could be taught the pledge and what it means by their parents. The pledge should not necessarily go hand in hand with school. If parents were to teach (or not teach) their children the pledge, maybe the zombie-like behavior we have begun to exhibit would not be as it is. I think that the pledge should be more of an educated personal choice than something that we do as not to make any social faux pas.

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