Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Captial Punishment

If you are religious, you are familiar with the ten commandments. The first and probably most important commandment is "thou shalt not kill." The commandment does not say "thou shalt not kill unless they killed someone first." Just like that old saying we all know says, "two wrongs do not make a right." Killing the criminal will not bring back the victim of the crime.
Not only that, but also, even if one innocent person is put to death, then we have committed murder in cold blood. Just in the past fifty years, over one hundred people that were put on death row were let out of prison because of DNA evidence that proved their innocence. But what about those that were already killed? It is too late.

1 comment:

  1. If capital punishment was abolished, what would we do with those that have been convicted of such a intense crime? We cannot leave them to sit, and rot in jail. Some are mentally insane, which caused them to go over the line, into committing the intense crime that would result into capital punishment. We all die one way or another. They know what they did was wrong. Why keep them around holding up space. The phrase "eye for an eye" is a quotation from the Exodus 21:23-27. That exact quote is used in today's law punishment, -to provide equitable retaliation for an offended party.
    Capital punishment, I know is not going to get rid of such intense crimes, but will lessen. If we do drop the capital punishment, crimes rates will rise, making a bigger problem.
