Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment has always been a controversial topic throughout history. Many points can be made, both for and against it. Capital punishment seems like a cop-out, a way to avoid dealing with the criminals at hand. Which punishment do you think is more harsh in the long run; a quick means of death, a way out, really, or being confined to rotting in a jail cell for the rest of your life, contemplating your actions, living with yourself day after day? The ladder seems to be the obvious choice. The legal system is simply getting these murderers, kidnappers, rapists, and other criminals out of their hair. If you still aren't convinced, there are of course moral objectives. What right do we have to play God? None, of course. We are no better than these criminals if you are making decisions like who gets to live and who, in this case, dies. We have become murderers ourselves.


  1. I agree with some of this, but I believe that if you are a murderer, kidnapper, rapists, then that rotting in a jail ceil is horrible. You must think about the other side to, the little child that was kidnapped, or someones wife that was murdered. What is something that scares almost everyone? Death, death is something you cant take back, just like you can't get back the children that are gone, the people burtely murdered. Think about the thoughts they mucst have had, and what they went through. Yes sitting in jail and thinking about that is a horrible punishment. But some killers dont even care, taking a life is a hard thing. But if you are sick enough to kidnap, murder rap someone then I believe you deserve the worst punishment there is, which is death. Your not really playing the part of God, that person that did those horrible things will have to face what they done when they have died weather you believe in heavan and hell I believe that death is the scarest and most effective way.

  2. The issue of capital punishment has always been difficult for me to establish a firm opinion on. I agree that the killing of innocent people is a problem today becuase it does, in fact, happen, but that is a problem with the justice system- another subject entirely. I believe in the death penalty for a number of reasons. First, I would be much more comfortable knowing that a criminal like a terrorist was dead and gone than thinking that that person might get released one day back into society. That is a scary thought. Also, one has to look at capital punishment from an economic standpoint as well. Holding prisoners actually costs BIG money, and those are taxpayer dollars. So, to just sentence the terrorist to a lifetime in prison might not even bother the terrorist, and it just hurts the average citizen more because they're the ones who must pay for the terrorist to keep living. I believe that God has reserved a place where all the criminals like terrorists, rapists, murderers, and so on will be able to go, wheteher they die today or later. I understand, though, that it is sometimes difficult to decide who gets to die and who gets to live. I don't really have a solution to that, but I believe that the death penalty is justified in many cases.
