Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the pledge

Reciting the pledge also creates a sense of pride. Pride is not always a bad thing, of course. It can be good in some scenarios. However, in its extremities, pride can be harmful towards other cultures. For example, after WWI, Germany was in a state of turmoil. Germany was in a lot of debt from the war and had to take all of the fault for the war and its damages. Hitler tried to create unity by creating a sense of nationalism in Germany. This extreme sense of nationalism led to the Holocaust and the death of millions of "minorities" throughout Europe. Another example was during the Red Scare right here in the United States. We were so afraid of anybody that was different that we put them on trial for being communists. The main point I am trying to get across is that in many acutal events in the world throughout history, nationalism has led to extreme racism and the tragic deaths of many innocent people.

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